The Conversation2. ‘And the Chosen One spoke and He said “Behold! My Time and my Kingdom are come and you, wretched peons, will all do my bidding. Or else. And the else will be most unpleasant, I’ll make sure of that. Who the fuck do you think you are, you worthless slave-born crud to contradict, let alone dare oppose me, you scum”. And so on, ad infinitum and ad nauseam.’ Thus informed the itinerant two-legged Empusa the giant ferns of Ding!Ding! The Empusa’s bodyguard, the Bijou Sneak, confirmed every word quoted by her ward. The poor old ferns were, in no particular order, amazed, shocked, appalled, distraught and, verily and utterly, livid. What‘s the world coming to?, they thought. What indeed.