Sunrise. The Mutated Magic Mushrooms of the woodland fringes sprang up as one and invoked the begetting powers of natural redress for to bring forth a furry avenger. And, lo!, another Warrior Bunny appeared. Ain’t that nice? Let’s face it, a vindicating paladin is much needed in these grisly days of godawful idiocracy and doctrinaire subjugation. For, as the man said:
There must be outlet or there will be explosion- … Or the mentally freezing, or dying, will tighten their prohibitions, and the chill of their censorships will contract, to extinction, our lives, which, without sin, represent matter deprived of motion. Their ideal is Death, or approximate death, warmed over occasionally only enough to fringe with uniform, decorous icicles -from which there will be no escape
Charles Fort. New Lands
Helpful disclaimer. The chronicler of this here happy event is not a Fortean by any stretch of the imagination, but one gets one’s groovy lines where one can gets them, innit?