Month: December 2017

Another Year

New Year 2018 (For Banon)

And so another year is gone and another one just gets going. I have no illusions that 2018 will be any better than 2017 since Entropy seems to have the upper hand, right now. Never mind; keep Hope’s smiling face burning bright, you never know. Stay with Mehitabel and stay suborn. So says, in not so many words, the Maiden Without Specific Attributes. Her attendant Redbottle flies concur by misquoting Michel Foucault*: Where there is pressure there is resistance. The Redbottle flies are native to the Uncertain Grids and exceptionally intelligent, unlike our Bluebottle variety. They are strictly open-air creatures and, if by some freak accident, they end up indoors they’ll find their way out pretty damned quick, even if that means drilling a hole on your kitchen wall. (They will send in a repair team of competent and cheerful UltraBrickies, immediately afterwards and free of charge.) They are also rather soppy and very caring and they travel often with the aforesaid wounded spirit, who is chronically in need of any amount of TLC she can get, poor kid.

Happy New Year anyway!

There is laughter because there is nothing to laugh at.   Theodor Adorno

A modest example right here:

(*Where there is power, there is resistance.)


Permissible Paranoia

Well, they are, aren’t they? Perhaps you don’t mind. I do. Passionately. For those who watch are total shits, plain & simple. I resent being watched by turds. Still, nothing much we can do about it, I dare say, except not mind too-too much and keep the flames of hope burning.

“Of the world as it exists, it is not possible to be enough afraid.Â Â Â Â  Theodor W. Adorno                                                                                                      🙂


Sweetness & Light

Dancing Snakes. A few seconds extra daylight a day keep the Doom&Glooms away. Have a spiffing Winter Solstice, my friends. Have a good wiggle and jiggle around a bonfire, si le cÅ“ur vous en dit. Join the Dancing Snake Girls in their mystically carnal boogie-woogie. Drink a wee dram to Helios’ abiding health and speedy return. Burn the effigies of your top ten most hated politicians, transnational CEOs, .quality. paper editors. Let joy and love into your hearts. Life’s too short to pout & grumble. And listen to the Cthulhu Brothers. They’s good for you:

(This promotion of the peerless CBs is becoming a bit of a fickle tradition around this time of the year. I simply think everybody ought to know about these two splendidly demented Scots; like everybody should know the Two Davids’ produce:     just to ward off the evil beady eye of Meedjadom)

Scribe’s Note. As you can see the Shub-Niggurath has been agitating again (not to say pestering) for an increase in presence in my doodles. So here she is, the ineffably fertile single mum, scowling and sulking in a corner, as it’s her wont and her chief talent. She’s grumbling to the Snakes that when she was a young monster they didn’t have any of these Solstice-Shmolstice nonsense and that never did them any harm. The Snakes, lippy creatures that they are, retorted that in her younger days they didn’t have much of anything in any case and that life must have sucked pond water through a second-hand straw -to paraphrase my good friend Monroe. I love Final Void dialectics. 🙂

A Dirge for Catalonia

21-D. The one (and only, alas) good thing that will come out of the Catalan Christmas Panto is that the PP (Partido Popular) is going to bite the dust something chronic in Catalonia, so Mariano Rajoy’s gonna get a whole load of egg on his ugly face. That would make it almost two things, except for the fact that Santa Inés “I Never Flap” Arrimadas and her merry Ciutadans will take the space vacated by the PP and that premier league charlie, Carles “I Heard The Call” Puigdemon and his Pujoclonic pals. Nature abhors a vacuum, they say. Nature sucks. Me, given half a choice, I’d plum for plump Miquel “I Can Rumba” Iceta, so desperate is the situation. Call me shallow but I think a gay president would be kinda cool, don’t you?

A small thought on Santa Inés Arrimada al Culo del Diablo: disregarding the obvious gaps in sex, appearance and other circumstantial evidence, she so reminds me of Donald “the Pussygrabber” Trump. Confident, articulate, unflustered, says lots of things that are superficially true and, if you don’t dig too deeply, sensible, even appealing. But read the Ciutadans manifesto… The moment this lot is in power down will come, like two tons of hard-baked bricks, Uber, Amazon, Verizon, the TTIP, the traditional corruption and the trilingual indoctrination, so that future generations of Catalans will be able to provide blowjobs in English.

As Goya said, me old muckers: El sueÅ„o de la razón produce monstruos. The sleep of reason begets monsters. Ay que dolor… 🙁

Happy Scene. Here’s a sweet, peaceful family scene, a small spoonful of sugar to coat the throat and shield it from the bitterness and dismay of this incoming Catalan Black Thursday. Remember folks, no matter what further horrors emerge from it, the Shoggoths and their friends still will have picnics, ice cream and the Shub-Niggurath to wind up. The Shoggoths know what is what, what! And have an additional version, too, a sort of dark mirror-image. Por mucho pan & all that, you know.


Bullies, Like the Poor…

will always be with us. Alas.

Mother Bear. It’s mainstream meeja- sanctioned, ergo hallowed, ergo true: everything bad that happens, to anybody, anywhere, it’s Russia/Putin’s fault. Trump wins the election? The Catalans are behaving like a bunch of prats? Italy’s out of the World Cup? It’s raining? It’s not raining? Your wife’s left you? Blame Russia and that Devil in the Kremlin. Easy peasy. It would seem that the self-styled free world’s reserves of hypocrisy and foolishness are as plentiful as they are generously accessible to anybody who wants some. All you have to do is go with the flow. So the Spirit of Russia has come to have a good bitch with her totem and old chum, the MotherBear of All Russias (a BearGon by affiliation), to unburden herself and to get some moral support. And tea & cake, of course. The Cubs are most sympathetic and the Additional Fuzzies moderately disconcerted at the said human fatuousness. The Proto-Shoggoth that dwells in the foliage of the Twofold Tree of Life thinks that the Russian Soul shouldn’t worry too much as it all might come out in the wash anyways, when we blow ourselves to smithereens and the bugs take over the evolutionary circus. The Proto-Shoggoth is a congenital optimist.

Colourful Obsessions

More Gazins (@Dawn and @Noon). It’s not often that I indulge in repetitions and variations on a theme but now and then I do treat myself to a colour and/or a B&W version of a given subject. This time I’m going the whole hog: from an originally B&W image, lo! there springs a full quartet. I simply could NOT resist the urge of going through the whole 24 hours sequence, m’lud, what can I say? Well, you know, Por mucho pan nunca mal año, they say. NB. Gazing@Dusk soooon come.

Update 12/12/17 Gazing@Dusk. So it comes full circle and don Salvatore has the last word:

Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra

traffitto da un raggio di sole:

ed í¨ subito sera

Salvatore Quasimodo

Beasties Various

PachyMamma. Dreaming the Ancestors. The young elephant has been meditating on the Great Ancestress, the PachyMamma, goddess custodian of all things pachyderm and by extension of all things bulky -me included. He recalls the olden days and evokes sadly the time when elephants lost the ability to fly “Must have been Entropy’s doing, she being the ultimate Great Mother. She who in the end will devour even the greatest of great mothers. And fathers. And all their progeny in between., he thinks. NB. Although the anniversary proper is not till next week, this is the yearly Ash Memorial Doodle. These days I can never be sure when (or even if) I’ll be able to do something, much less meet deadlines, so carpe diem is my motto or, in this case, carpe squiggle. Here’s to you, old chum. I hope you’re giving all the other particles a really hard time. XXX

FoxyBusiness. This is for Maria Clara, aka Kay. Because I said I would. Hope you like him, or her, cherie. It is a true likeness of a real fox cub wot I fond fast asleep on my bedroom window sill one spring afternoon. 2017 has been an excellent year for foxes in my garden. Lots of them, lots of cubs. They use my garden like it was their private fiefdom. And very welcome they are to it, too.