Conillets (Baby rabbits). Here’s a rehash of an old Catalan counting rhyme for the game of Hide & Seek.
There are numerous versions and this has been adapted for these trying times of inflamed cheap sentimentality on one side and crass stupidity on the other.
My rhymes goes, more or less:
Little bunnies run to ground
The hunting hare is around
Day and night, night and day
The rat is running away
Setting fire to the farmhouse
Setting fire to the Law house
Little bunnies, little bunnies
What are we to do?
When we die we’ll look like poo!
And here’s a couple of musical versions
One with reggae beat:
And one in a nice Valencian accent:
Music. Here, a little sweet nothing, to counteract all the bile brought forth by my poor liver -not to mention my heart, over the Catalan Soap Opera. Let’s play on, people, let’s play on.